5th Grade 

Ms. Bonny McGanney

     Fifth grade students at Holy Trinity focus on core subjects which include: reading, spelling, grammar, science, history and math. They also attend Christian Education class three days per week and Chapel every Wednesday to grow in their faith.  Each year, students complete projects to enrich their knowledge in social studies and science, read new and exciting stories, and develop a higher level of math skills.  Our goals are: to learn responsibility, be prepared, show respect to ourselves and others, do our best to be honest and  trustworthy, while we grow in our love and knowledge of Jesus; while showing His love through our actions and behavior.

     Families are an important part of our education.  I appreciate all you do to support us throughout the school year.  I will post the weekly newsletter here to help keep you up to date on our events.  If you have any questions, please email me at bmcganney@htlc-bg.org.  I'm looking forward to a great school year in 5th Grade!